28 January 2011

In Memory of Lolo

Today's my Lolo's 40 days, and watching the video mom brought home from his funeral made me miss my Lolo more.  Here's what I posted in his online tribute during his wake.

I never really got to know Lolo very much because he was living in L.A. when I was young, and he had Dementia during the latter part.

Nevertheless, there is still one distinct memory I remember from my very first trip to California. I was 6 at that time, but what Lolo did stuck to me. He made my stay in L.A. very memorable because I remember he toured me there, he bought me lots of seedless grapes, and showed me the 99-cents store. He showed me how he played billiards with his neighbors, and proudly introduced me to some of them. These were some of the highlights of my brief stay with him, Lola, and Mom.

Also, every time I think of him, the first image my mind comes up with is his chuckle that comes with his cheerful nature and his jokes. 

He made my brief stay there very warm and happy, just like how a little kid wants it to be.

Thanks for making this grandson happy, Lolo! I'll surely miss you. :)

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